feisr - Estimating Fixed Effects Individual Slope Models
Provides the function feis() to estimate fixed effects
individual slope (FEIS) models. The FEIS model constitutes a
more general version of the often-used fixed effects (FE) panel
model, as implemented in the package 'plm' by Croissant and
Millo (2008) <doi:10.18637/jss.v027.i02>. In FEIS models, data
are not only person demeaned like in conventional FE models,
but detrended by the predicted individual slope of each person
or group. Estimation is performed by applying least squares
lm() to the transformed data. For more details on FEIS models
see Bruederl and Ludwig (2015, ISBN:1446252442); Frees (2001)
<doi:10.2307/3316008>; Polachek and Kim (1994)
<doi:10.1016/0304-4076(94)90075-2>; Ruettenauer and Ludwig
(2020) <doi:10.1177/0049124120926211>; Wooldridge (2010,
ISBN:0262294354). To test consistency of conventional FE and
random effects estimators against heterogeneous slopes, the
package also provides the functions feistest() for an
artificial regression test and bsfeistest() for a bootstrapped
version of the Hausman test.